Tuesday, June 30, 2015

20 Years Strong!

He Encouraged Me To:
Eat asparagus.
Try yoga.
Do pushups.
Write a book.
Start a business.
Become a personal trainer.
Go after my dreams.
Mr. & Mrs. Jessie Henry. Established June 24th, 1995
Keep Going.
Run a half marathon.
Run a full marathon.
He supports my dreams (real & imagined).
He loves me without judgement, pretense or fault.
We laugh.
We fuss.
We love.
He's my Boo, My Smookie, My Husband.
He covers me, respects me & honors me.
And I'm better because of his presence in my life.
Twenty years strong.
Yep! That's us.
Easy? Nope! Worth it? Absolutely!
